Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What if real life was a video game? What if that video game had cheats?

Gaming took up a HULK SIZED amount of time during my younger years, and to a point it still does suck up a good portion. I don't play games like I used too, but in a few MMO's I have a few hundred hours put in. On Graal Classic for the iPod touch, which I play with some of my very good friends on a daily basis, I have about 2000 hours set in. When I was eight or nine, I played RuneScape like a maniac. That old game produced cold, red fingers every time I played it for 7+ hours a day (so like, every day). I'm not one of those people who will sit down and play endlessly anymore though; I do have a bit of a life, contrary to semi-unpopular belief. Granted, most of this life consists of speaking with my friends and doing schoolwork, but considering I'm in a new town and go to an online school as a result, I think I'm doing pretty well with my social life. That is something that'll be further touched upon in another post, but for now let's settle down and discuss this little subject sentence: "What if life was a video game?" Just this morning I watched a YouTube video by Corridor Digital called Video Game Cheats in Real Life.

Can you imagine gun fights really being held out in such a way? Big-headed Mafia men, confetti guns, and explosions that result in a mass of presents being scattered throughout the building? Well thanks to that before-mentioned video, I sure can. Personally, I'd try testing out that floating mechanism first - without the gun war, preferably - and just fly through the skies for a good few hours to see how many people noticed me. Having a camera on me and floating into peoples' cars for a visit would be pretty entertaining, too. This cheat could also be used for evil in banks and other corporate places, but really, I'm not all too keen on using real life cheat codes to actually cheat.

I wouldn't go about using codes like "Get a year older!" or "Evade finals!" as they would pretty much destroy the purpose of life all-too-much. Okay, scratch that, I wouldn't use "get a year older!" for a few reasons but I wouldn't mind using "evade finals!" for a day like today. Aside from that, what other kind of cheat codes are there? Infinite life? That'd be interesting to use, I admit it, though I'd rather use something like "become a rock star" or something along those lines, you know? It'd make things more fulfilling in the end... Welllllllllll, that and infinite life cheats would make it so that you wouldn't have an end, but I digress.

Another interesting cheat to use would be anything resulting in obtaining a certain power-up, ala Super Mario Bros. and the series' invincibility stars and magic mushrooms (teehee). Having a Koopa shell to bash into a few certain people wouldn't be too bad either.... THAT REMINDS ME. How about a cheat for owning any Pokemon? I love Pokemon, you probably love Pokemon, every Asian/Asian American on the face of the Earth loves Pokemon, and, for those of you who are little kids at the time of this post, you'll probably realize that your parents love Pokemon and will therefore adopt their awesome trait or spew it out on the sidewalk or some other place so you can love some of those confangled newer shows out there in the TV industry. How would you like a real life Pikachu? Well I'd like a Pelipper but Pikachu's cool too. Situation involving me and Pelipper: "We all want to be the very best, but there can only be one very best (grammar win) and that'll be me! Let's go... ... ... Pelipper!" "PELIIIIIPPPPERRRRRR!" -fist pump- -loses at the first gym and has to keep level grinding- -sighhhhhhhh- Wouldn't that be the life? Kind of. Not really; but it'd be cool.

What other cheats could be used in real life if it was a game? I see an over-abuse of  the Grand Theft Auto hot coffee cheat. Then there's games like Halo that are stuck in perpetual futuristic sci-fi wars. Would I really want to be stuck in a world like that? No, but I could imagine that some pretty neat cheats could be involved if I was. First of all, infinite health is a must-have here so we don't die during the war. Infinite ammo wouldn't hurt either. From there, just make every attack deal 99999999999999999999999991 (yes, 1) damage and you're a-go! Speaking of a-go, I'd totally go into a subject such as a Mario Kart-style life so that way I could mention blue shells being hurled at those you dislike thus resulting in a wonderful blue explosion that engulfs them all in an inferno that'll bring you utmost joy, but I think I've went on enough with this post. Hope you enjoyed this essentially useless guesswork. For now, this is Jonathan signing off (not actually signing off, I tend to keep tabs open and now I have to go back and re-read this post to make sure I don't have to edit anything and from there I have homework to do, unfortunately).


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